04 Nov

Below is the article link to the alarming violent and hateful anti-Semitic comments made by a Kennedy High School social studies teacher who is possibly a district Gifted and Talented program coordinator as well.  

This teacher is a leading spokesperson and organizer for several proudly socialist and anti-Israel groups locally, made national headlines for her calls for eradicating the entire state of Israel and allowing Hamas to continue their war of barbaric terrorism. https://freebeacon.com/campus/we-only-want-one-side-to-stop-fighting-meet-the-minneapolis-public-school-teacher-who-called-for-israels-eradication-at-socialist-rally/

In the wake of these despicable comments, our school board and district have remained silent and made no public condemnation of this teacher's comments or made any commitments to ensure the safety of Jewish students and staff. We need school board leaders willing to show basic moral leadership and refuse to allow teachers and staff with violent views and ideologies to teach and influence our children.

This teachers behavior violates The Code of Ethics of Educators and the following Bloomington Public School policy 423.


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