What is a GSA Club

What is a GSA Club

"Genders & Sexualities Alliances, or GSA after-school clubs, have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice." Some of these clubs still go by the name Gay Straight Alliance.

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The GSA Platform and their TRUTH 9 Point Manifesto

The GSA Platform and their TRUTH 9 Point Manifesto

The GSA platform is to radicalize public school students, under the pretense of compassionate inclusion. The organization offers extensive materials designed to facilitate the active rejection and destruction of traditional family values and the dismantling of the entire system we live and work in.

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Gender & Sexuality Clubs in Bloomington Schools

Gender & Sexuality Clubs in Bloomington Schools

GSA clubs are in the Bloomington Public Schools. These clubs are supposed to be after-school and student-led, but are in fact teacher-led, highly advertised, and use school resources, even throughout the school day. Teachers, principals, and staff time are allocated to these clubs, and they expose and condition your child to a specific ideology on gender and sexuality in the name of social justice. District policy is not being adhered to when it comes to GSA clubs.

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School Board allows policy 801 violation when district staff spends $700 on pride posters for GSA clubs; an after-school "student-led" club

School Board allows policy 801 violation when district staff spends $700 on pride posters for GSA clubs; an after-school "student-led" club

August 22nd, 2022 – Principal at Valley View Middle School sends 'The Print Shop' of MN an email to print off 25 GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliances) posters for open house. This goes against policy 801 by expending public funds and providing sponsorship to a non curriculum-related group: Part I, section B "There is no sponsorship of the meeting by the school or its agents or employees" (“Sponsorship” includes the act of promoting, leading, or participating in a meeting.") Part II, Section E, "The District shall not expend public funds for the benefit of students meeting pursuant to this policy beyond the incidental cost of providing space." https://bitly.ws/JcsJ https://sites.google.com/isd271.org/club-formation/home

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Taxpayer money spent on posters promoting non curriculum-related groups found in Valley View Middle School

Taxpayer money spent on posters promoting non curriculum-related groups found in Valley View Middle School

Policy 801 is being broken over and over again as GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliances) clubs are highly promoted at Valley View Middle school, and it is clear these are not student-led clubs. Students in middle school struggle to navigate puberty and find peace with their changing bodies, yet district staff recklessly and brazenly compound the confusion with their GSA LGBTIA political agenda! The pictured 'raised fist' also symbolically points to the Marxist Communist Manifesto that GSA clubs, along with Black Lives Matter, state as their mission; and serve to undermine our schools, cities, and nation. Our school district is letting these activist groups permeate our schools and undermine the very reason the schools exist!

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